October 20, 2001



C/O Marc Catera, NY


The Liberty Fund

American Red Cross

P.O. Box 37243
Washington, D.C. 20010



Enclosed please find a donation in the amount of $340. Our donation when matched by Johnson & Johnson will total $1020 USD. I make this contribution on behalf of the Global On-Reflection Giant Gathering, (Gorgg).  Gorgg is an international organization derived of musicians, artists, music patrons, and music aficionados. 


Originally, our group began in the mid-1990s as a collection of individuals who shared a common love and admiration for Gentle Giant; unique, talented, and uncompromising musicians who at once defined a musical style and inspired an artistic innovation the effects of which continue to be felt to this day.


Currently, Gorgg continues as a community of gentle-minded and giant-hearted people, who were, as was most everyone who witnessed both the events of September 11 and the actions from October 7 on, profoundly effected by what has come to pass. 


Our annual gathering was held this year October 5-8 in Toronto, Ontario Canada. Fifty of our estimated 400 international members, representing 5 countries, plus web participation by members from numerous other nations, convened in what is to date, our most poignant and successful event ever.


By the kind generosity of three special individuals and our good friends, John Weathers of Wales, UK and Gary and Judy Green of Illinois, USA, plus the financial contribution of all who attended, a raffle was held of memorabilia and personal items that raised over $560 CND. These monies when converted to US dollars make up our donation.


It is with our warmest thoughts and our cumulative prayers that we make this contribution to support the families impacted by this terrible tragedy.  Thank you so much for the invaluable work that you do every day.


So Sincerely,



The Global On-Reflection Giant Gathering