Paul Beecham's "Ode to GG and GORGG"

A group from Portsmouth,
('Egad!' and 'Forsooth!'),
Discovered a giant quite gentle.
The music that they,
Then decided to play
Was wonderfully experimental.

With Kerry on keys,
They were quite the bees knees,
And Gary's guitaring was classic.
But trends they are fleeting,
And sales took a beating,
So the eighties soon left them boracic*.

Over the years,
They all found new careers,
And left Gentle Giant behind them.
But a group of good friends,
Not accepting loose ends,
Made spectacular efforts to find them.

Now with overtures bold,
We've brought into the fold,
Gary, Pugwash, Malcolm and Kerry.
With a GORGG every year,
We are full of good cheer,
For we drink, play their songs and make merry.

      {*Boracic Lint = skint}


Reproduced by kind permission of Mr. Beecham.